19 April 2007

Almost There!

Just a quick post before I head out the door for this mornings walk.

Here's my fundraising stats:

As of 19 April 2007 I have raised $2,297.00!!!!!

I am:
$203.00 away from $2,500, which is half my fundraising goal of $5,000.00
$503.00 away from my required minimum of $2,800.00 that I need to reach by May 19th.
$2,703.00 away from my fundraising goal of $5,000!!!!!!!

I'm working with fellow TNTer Janice Walz and Olivia and Magda on fundraising events to close the gap. What are you doing to help?

Make a donation via my website: Help in the fight against blood cancers!!!
Gail's Donation Page

16 April 2007

Monday, Monday

Good morning!

I haven't slept too much over the past few days.

Thursday night I was up making the Amish Friendship Bread.

Friday night I went to San Jose to support the Run Team's Bachelor & Bachelorette Auction then spent some time working on fliers after I got home.

Saturday I got up early to go for my 4 hour walk but decided to walk around my neighborhood instead of going to Campbell. I was afraid the heel inserts I was using might irate my feet and I didn't want to develop blisters then have to drive home. I walked to Rancho San Antonio, just to the parking lots, then headed home. The walk there took two hours because I got lost. The walk back home only took 1 hour and 33 minutes. Which was a good thing because it started raining as I walked back and was drenched by the time I got home.

After walking I headed into San Francisco to see my Aunt Jean who was in town for a couple of days. I meet her fiance, Glenn, and his Aunt Marion, and cousins Chris and Joan. I have a great time and it was great to reconnect with Jean.

Sunday, no recovery walk, bad Gail!! Purchased a new pair of shoes and worked on the flier for the Charity Raffle with Janice.

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Fund Raising Shout-Outs

Joan and Chris Qwon - $100.00
Jean Hudson-Reilly - $200.00
Nellie Scurti - $25.00 WaMu Matching Gift
Georgia Urquidi - $50.00 WaMu Matching Gift

THANK YOU for your generous donations!!!!!!

Time to head into work! Have you made a donation yet? What are you waiting for! Just click the link below to help fight blood cancers. GO Team! GO TEAM!!!


Gail the Grasshopper

15 April 2007

Week in Review

The past week has been busy.

I worked and completed my taxes on Tuesday and Wednesday. I skipped track training Wednesday night to get them done. My left quadriceps
had been bothering off and on since Monday. It feels like the muscle is bruised and I don't know how. The bruise didn't bother me too much when I walked but any pressure on the front of my thigh caused considerable pain.

I'm trying to help my friend and fellow Team in Training teammate, Janice Walz, with her fundraising event. She arranged a band, With River, to come out and play at the Red Rock Coffee Company. We are contacting local businesses asking for donations that will be raffled off. The event is on May 3rd. We will be following up with two businesses that verbally committed to provide a donation, on Monday. We will also follow up with the other businesses that have not given us a donation.

My Beloved Aunt Jean came out for quick visit. It was great seeing her and I really enjoyed meeting the members of her fiance's family.

Today I purchased a new pair of shoes. The same size and type as my current shoes. I also purchased inserts for the old shoes so I can still walk in them.

I'm falling asleep at the keyboard. So I'm heading off to bed.


08 April 2007

Fifteen Miles, Fundraisers and Taxes

I walked 15 miles on Saturday!!! WooooHoooo!!!!

I'm sore but I was in more discomfort after the relay races we did at track training two weeks ago. It's all about perspective.

I was worried about Saturdays training since I was dealing with a pulled groin muscle on my right leg and Saturday morning I started experiencing sharp, grinding pains in my left knee, even when I was standing still. I told myself I didn't have time for this and promised myself that I would complete the 15 miles unless I injured myself.

I walked very slow the first nine miles. I received lots of comments from people asking what I was doing behind them as they passed me. I have shown my speed on occasion and coaches, teammates and friends keep telling me to walk with faster people. I know I should but I also appreciated the other side of the equation. I walked so slowing for the 9 miles that half and full marathoners had to complete that I was the last person to start the additional 6 miles for the full marathons. My legs didn't feel bad and I was going to be walking by myself. I figured that if I could do a 15 minute mile and maintain that pace could finish the 6 miles in 90 minutes.

It had taken me 3 hours and 20 minutes to do 9 miles including bathroom and stretching breaks. It was time to start moving. I concentrated on using good form and with my butt shaking I was off. I was walking the Baylands in Palo Alto. It's a great place for bird watching and I did see a white-crowned sparrow and many ducks and gulls. About a mile into the my walk I passed by my fellow marathoners heading back to the finish. I told them they were almost done and they encouraged me to keep going. Watching my teammates heading back to the start point just made me more determined to finish. I would finish in 90 minutes.

Each step brought me closer to my current goal, the turnaround point. Teammates kept encouraging me telling me how close I was getting and surprised that I hadn't finished already. Finally the parking lot was in sight. As I approached two teammates were just leaving. If I was fast enough I could catch them! I added more water to my bottle, added another serving of Nuun, took a salt shot, and headed back out. After couple of minutes I rounded a bend and could see the two women who had just left the turnaround point. I knew I could catch them. I had to catch them. I never ran nor jogged, I just kept moving my arms and concentrated on taking small steps. My groin pull and knee never left me completely alone but they didn't hinder my progress. Slowly and steadily I gained ground, I was closing the gap. I passed them.

I thought about walking with them for a bit but caught a glimpse of a white shirt not too far away. I could catch up with her too. I was going to do it. I kept walking, trying to remember how many people were walking back as I approached the midpoint. How many people could I overtake? Lots of people were out walking, bird watching, and jogging on the trail. I would use them as short-distance goals to help me increase my speed as I tried to overtake another teammate. I started to panic when I realized that I had almost walked for an hour, I should have completed four miles by now and I have no idea how far I had walked. I already completed the three miles out to the midpoint but I didn't know how far I had gotten on the return trip. I new goal would be to catch up with my teammate by the time my hour was up. As the minutes ticked down the ground flowed beneath my feet. As my hour finished I was within a few feet of my goal. As I passed her I asked if she know how far away from the start we were but she didn't know.

The hour was up, it was 4 hours and 20 minutes into the training and I had completed at least 13 miles. I looked in the distance, trying to see my next target. I spotted two shapes that might be fellow teammates but I wasn't sure, I was pretty far away. Choosing my short-distance targets I was focused.

Within five minutes, Cilla, our Team in Training Team Mom passed me. She was heading out to see who was left on the trail and make sure everyone is accounted for. She complimented me on my speed and said I might catch up with some other people. I thanked her and increased my speed. I was quickly closing in on my targets who turned out not to be fellow Team in Trainers but they still helped my stay on track. I looked and finally realized that strange thing in the distance were the bleachers that marked the starting point. I was almost done. I passed my targets and continued on. As I came into view my teammates started to cheer me on. I was able to find another gear and with my butt shaking like California during an earthquake I finished!!!! Everyone was so impressed that I was able to finish the last six miles so quickly. I am so happy with my performance. I know I need to go faster but it's reassuring to know that if I go slower at the beginning I will have the energy I need for the end.

When I started the six miles 3 hours and 20 minutes had already passed. I finished the entire 15 miles in 4 hours and 32 minutes. I was able to complete 6 miles in 1 hour and 12 minutes!!!! WhoooHooooo!!!!! Go Me! Go Me!!

This week is going to be busy. I have to contact companies for donations for a Fundraising Raffle. Make Amish Friendship Bread, plan a Poker Fundraising event, walk for 4 hours on Saturday, meet a relative I haven't seen in 15 years in San Francisco on Saturday, and do my taxes.

This is going to be a long week.

Go Team! Go TEAM!! GO TEAM!!!

Gail the Grasshopper

06 April 2007


Morning everyone,

Last week at track training we did relay races. It was really fun but made my legs sore. During our yoga training I noticed that my right groin muscle was pulled and it made doing some of the yoga poses kinda painful. However, after that night I didn't notice the pull anymore.

This past Wednesday, as I started my warm up lap around the track the pulled groin muscle started to hurt again. It hurt while I walked and was really distracting. We were doing ladders that night and I couldn't walk my fastest because I would start to limp. One thing I've learned is that proper walking form can get me through most situations. I could not maintain my proper form at higher speeds.

I finished yoga and had a slight limp heading back to my car. I stretched and iced the muscle when I got home. I went on my morning walk Thursday and after about 3 minutes hardly noticed the pull. After walking for 30 minutes I stopped stretched and headed home. The pain returned but only slightly and was gone after 3 minutes. I took a Napersen before going to work and didn't think about my leg again, at least until I was walking home. The pull made itself know but it was that bad so I didn't pay it much attention.

I should have iced it last night. The pull was bothering me a bit this morning but I still intended to go for my walk. As the morning had wore on, however, I getting a slight pain in my right arch, and shooting pains in my right knee. I decided I would stay home this morning, ice the pulled muscle and do my walk after work tonight. I will be walking 15 miles on Saturday and need to take care of my legs today. I'm going to sit down right now and ice for a few minutes.

On the fundraising front, I'll be meeting with two other team members to plan a Poker Night Fundraising Event for May 19th. Another team member called me last night and asked if I wanted to help her with her fundraising event that will be held May 3rd. The next few weeks will be busy but lots of fun.

Have a great Friday and GO TEAM!

Gail the Grasshopper

03 April 2007

Happy April!

I'm sooooo late for work but I wanted to give a quick update to the blog.

Didn't walk on Saturday due to work event. Walked 2 hours on Sunday to try to make up for missing Saturday. Legs feeling much better, I was still sore for days after the relay races on Wednesday night.

Donation Shout-Out to:

Edwin Bonilla - $25.00

So far Edwin has donated $75.00! Thanks Edwin, I really appreciate the support! Edwin works in my office and make a $25.00 donation everytime a loan funds. You don't have to give a lot of money all at once. You can donate a smaller amount several times.

This morning I did some strectches. I'm getting ready for Saturday's 15 mile walk. Need to stay hydrated and eat well. Lunch will be a sandwich and salad instead of pizza.

I'm up to $1,797.00 so far. I'm only $1,003.00 away from my minimum fundraising goal, $2,800.00 is just within reach! I will follow up with co-workers for matching gift forms and more donations. I'll be meeting with a former co-worker, Lon McEachern, for tips on putting together a poker night fundraiser. Lon is one of the announcers covering the World Series of Poker on ESPN2. A super nice guy who's taking time out of his schedule to help me. Thanks Lon!!!

Yikes, now I'm super late!! Please if you haven't made a donation already please help me reach my goal.


If you've already made a donation, THANK YOU!! and please spread the word.

Peace and Love,

Gail the Grasshopper

P.S. I almost forgot, I was passed by an electric wheelchair last night as I was walking. Kind of embarassing.

29 March 2007

Recommitment - All or Nothing

Good morning,

Well, I did my one hour walk this morning. I didn't get as far as I would have liked but I did better than on Monday. My body is still sore from last night's relay races and yoga circuit. Looks like I'll have to do more stretching and add core training to more days on the calendar.

Last night I received my re-commitment package. I will be recommitting to the my fundraising and training goals so I better get some more e-mails out when I get to work.

Go Team! Go TEAM!! GO TEAM!!!

Gail the Grasshopper

28 March 2007

Track Training - The Aftermath 28 March 2007

Track training was so much fun tonight. We had relay races!!! I haven't been part of a relay race since sixth grade. I forgot how much fun they were. Everyone was competitive and some people are really fast. I was so tired from cheering my teammates on I was afraid I wouldn't be able to walk.

The relay races were fun. The yoga stuff...not so much. We did a series of six core exercises twice. I don't know about my core but my legs are not very happy right now. I had quite a bit of difficulty driving my car home after practice. There are times when I really don't like having a manual transmission.

I'm happy I did the stretches this morning or I might not have been able to move at all.

I managed to get out of work at a decent time and spent some time catching up with my friend, Al. I actually got to the track early for a change but I didn't have time to eat before we started the warm up laps. I had half a foot-long Subway sandwich and I was hungry! I walked the first two laps munching contently on my sandwich. I was even doing an exercise called "precious diamonds" with the sandwich. You're supposed to start at the bottom of a hill with your arms stretched out in front of you. Keeping your arms parallel to the ground you walk as quickly up the hill as possible using only your legs and especially your hips. The track is flat but I practiced holding my sandwich out in front of me, with arms parallel and tried to really walk using my hips. My teammates and the coaches couldn't believe I was eating while walking around the track but desperate times call for desperate measures. After finishing the sandwich I was still hungry so I ate an apple. Halfway through the yoga exercises I started getting hungry again. Not stomach growling hungry but I would not turn down a plate of food if on suddenly appeared.

I'm going to sign off now. I want to spend some time stretching before going to bed and eat a banana.

Tomorrow I will send e-mails out to the other home loan center managers that are in my region. I need more donations and I have to be consistent and persistent.

Good night and Go Team!!!

STRETCH!! - 28 March 2007 Update

Good morning,

Tonight is track training night so I didn't do any walking this morning. Instead I got up and did some sitting stretches, flexibility exercises, and strengthening exercises. I'm trying to really work my left leg since it's weaker than my right.

I haven't sent out any donation soliciation e-mails in two weeks. I need to start hitting my co-workers and the regional managers. So far I've raised $1,672.00. I need $1,128.00 to reach my minimum of $2,800.00 to qualify for the trip to San Diego. I'm short of my fundraising goal by $3,328.00.

I need to get my thank you cards out and push my fundraising to the next level.

Have a great day everyone. Go Team!

Gail the Grasshopper

27 March 2007

Quick Update - 27 March 2007

Hi everyone,

I have been a total slacker on the blog but let me give you a quick update.

Fundraising to date: $1,497.00
I still have to add a donation by my friend Howard for $100 and two matching gift donations from Pauline and Lori. I'm slowly getting closer to my goal of $5,000.00 but I need your help to get there.

The TNT Donation Shout Outs for donations made from March 9th to March 26th :

Lori Treder $25.00 plus WaMu matching gift donation
Elle Calliger $25.00
Nellie Scurti $25.00
Pauline Sanchez $50.00 plus WaMu matching gift donation
Edwin Bonilla $25.00
Iris and Nate Murphy $52.00
Nate Murphy Jr. $100.00
Louis Hudson - Dad $260.00
Georgia Urquidi $50.00
Hermann Luechinger $50.00
Howard Blum $100.00

A big THANK YOU to everyone who is helping me. Your generous contributions are helping people live happier, healthier lives.

I walked 12 miles on 24 March 2007 and lived to tell the tale!!! Go Team! Go TEAM!! GO TEAM!!!

09 March 2007

Team in Training Update - 9 March 2007

Good morning,

Training has been going well. I talked to coach Janna about the pain and tightness I was feeling in my left leg. Apparently my hip girdle is too tight which is causing quite a bit of discomfort when I try to walk fast. I need to stretch and strengthen the hip girdle which will make it easier for my leg to move.

I will be doing my walk after work today. The job has been crazy so I wasn't in the mood to get up this morning. Getting up to go for my walk, good. Facing work after the walk, bad. I decided to send out a round of e-mails and get the blog caught up instead.

This Saturday we're training in my home town of Mountain View so I have no excuse for being late. ;-) Another co-worker, Anju Bala is interested in joining Team in Training!!!! I'm so excited, this is such a fantastic group and it's so supportive. It's a great opportunity to get to know Anju better too. Nothing like a little bonding time outside of work.

I'm up to $910 on the donation front!!! That means it's time for...

Donation Shout Outs

Robert Palgon - $25.00
Chris Mazzucco - $25.00
Elizabeth Santos - $10.00

Thank you so much to all the wonderful people who have donated. My aunt Milli has pledged $25.00 and my friend Howard has pledged $100.00. As soon as I receive their checks I will update the blog.

Have you made a donation yet? It only take a few minutes but makes a world of difference to a person in need.
Gail's Team in Training Donation Page

Make a donation. Save a life.

Have a Great Day!

Gail the Grasshopper

06 March 2007

Catching Up - 6 March 2007

Time flies when you're running around.

Saturday I trained at Camp Sawyer in San Mateo. It was so nice there. The day was sunny and warm, really picture perfect weather. I walked 4 miles, slower then I would have liked but it was still a good workout. A cute brown bunny scampered across the trail and I heard a frog croaking just off the trail but couldn't find it. I love nature, I feel so much more connected to the world.

After the walk I went out to breakfast at Hobbee's. Was embarrassed by having everyone at the table sing Happy Birthday to me and hung out and had a great time. The Team in Training people are so great!!

Donation Shout Outs!!!!!

Lori Treder - $25 and a Matching Gift Application!!!! Woot! Woot! Woot!
Georgia Urquidi - $50.00!!!!!
Edwin Bonilla - $25!!!!!

The above donations are from my co-workers at WaMu! Thank you so much for your support everyone. Go Team! Go TEAM! GO TEAM!!

Time to ask for more donations. Have you given yet?

Have a great day everyone. :-)

01 March 2007

The Best Day Ever!!!

Today was the best fundraising day I ever had!!!!

My mom was generous enough to donate $500.00. My mom has so much faith in me there is no way I'm letting her down. I only need $4,250 more dollars to reach my goal. Have you donated yet?

I didn't go to track training last night. I really need to work on my fundraising. I stayed at work and sent e-mails out to other people in the area who have the same position I do. I got two replies back. The messages were so heartfelt and inspiring. It helps keep me motivated. I didn't train this morning because I was too busy thanking my mom for her donation and trying to send e-mails to my family thanking my mom and one of my cousins for their donations. Shame anyone? I was going to walk tonight but one of my good friends, Anita, wants to take me out for my birthday. (My birthday was February 28th.) I will try to walk for an hour and a half tomorrow to make up for today. I will also do some extra walking on Saturday after the Mentor Led walk.

My mom is the GREATEST!!!!

Thank you again mom for helping me in the fight against Leukemia. Love Gail. :-)

28 February 2007

28 February 2007

Happy Wednesday,

Back to training today but no morning walk. Wednesdays are track days and that means after work I'll be heading to Foothill College and walking the track, doing flexibility exercises, and practicing pilates. It's been cold the last few days so I hope it's not too cold outside tonight.

I will be working to get more donation requests e-mails and letters out on Thursday night.

Have a great Wednesday!


27 February 2007

Happy Tuesday!

Good morning,

Today is Tuesday, February 27th. Tuesday's are my rest days from training. But the fundraising never ends!!! I sent a bunch of e-mails out to relatives this morning asking for donations and giving information in case anyone wants to mail me their donation.

I will spend some time after work stretching. My hamstrings, quads, and calfs are pretty tight right now and I have track work tomorrow night so I need to be loose.

Time to get ready for work. Talk to you later.

Gail the Grasshopper

26 February 2007

My Bad!!! Part Two

See, when you don't get enough sleep you make mistakes. Lots and lots of mistakes!

Another Belated Donation Shoutout!!!! (I swear I will be better about this!)
Donation Shoutout to my friend Anita. She has taken a moment out from skydiving to make a generous donation to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Go Anita! Go Anita!

My sincere apologies to both Anita and Al for not updating the blog on the day they made their donations. I hang my head in shame.

Make a donation, get a shout out on the blog, help a great cause.
Gail's Donation Page

Time for bed people, I have another early day.


My Bad!


Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. Sometimes I don't want to touch my computer when I come home from work. I will be more diligent about updating my blog in the future.

My training:

The weather has been making the prospect of training somewhat daunting. It's gotten cold and rainy again but sometimes magical things happen when you are willing to brave the bad weather. This morning I was treated to a rainbow when the rain broke halfway through my walk. It felt so good and I was so inspired by that rainbow. I knew I could handle whatever the rest of the day sent my way, that rainbow was a sign.

Group training on Saturday did not go as well as I would have liked. I arrived late, and got very cold while listening to the nutritionist. Worst of all because I was so cold and mad at myself for being late I didn't focus on what the nutrition coach had to say and I probably missed really important information. :-( It took me about 45 minutes after we started walking to finally get the sensation back in my hands and feet, brrrrrrrrrr!!! I could never survive a New Jersey winter with snow, sleet, ice, and truly cold weather. Anyway, we did 8 miles on Saturday and I was very disappointed because I was with a slow walker and I'm pretty sure we were the last two people to finish. So embarrassing. I was really frustrated with myself but a little grateful that I didn't feel completely fatigued. However, I didn't stretch as well as I should have and my body is still feeling the effects of tightness even this morning. Stretching is very important.

Belated Donation Shoutout!!!!
I must give a big "Thank You!" to my friend Al. First for the generous donation he made and second for lighting a fire under me to get back to work on my fundraising. Thanks again Al, for looking out for me. :-)

My goal is $5,000.00 and I currently have $250.00. If you have already made a donation, thank you! If you haven't, what are you waiting for?!? How many e-mails do you want me to send to you?!! The sooner I reach my goal the sooner I'll leave you alone. How's that for an incentive? ;-)

Thanks for your support and GO TEAM!!!!

Gail the Grasshopper

20 February 2007

National Dark Chocolate Day!!

Good evening everyone!

I hope you had a fantastic National Dark Chocolate Day, spending it with good friends, eating good food and eating lots of delicious dark chocolate. If you don't know what National Dark Chocolate Day is send me an e-mail grasshopper28 at gmail.com and I'll tell ya. :-)

I got my FIRST DONATION TODAY!!! Props to my cousin Paul and his wife Tameka for being Silver level donators. Thanks a million Paul and Tameka. ((((BIG HUG))))

See, if you donate you get a shout-out on my blog, how cool is that?

If you managed to reach my blog without seeing my donation page here's a link to it:

My Team in Training Page

Please visit and make a donation. It's going to a great cause! Please add a comment to the blog. Don't be shy.

19 February 2007

My First Post - Day 20 of Training

Welcome to my Team in Training blog. My name is Gail but my nickname is Grasshopper. Today the weather is more like spring than winter. The warmer weather had made training for the past week much more enjoyable. I walked an hour today. I'm trying to get my speed up but the tightness in my shins sometimes makes walking faster very painful. I need to work on my walk mechanics so I can complete 26.2 miles.