03 April 2007

Happy April!

I'm sooooo late for work but I wanted to give a quick update to the blog.

Didn't walk on Saturday due to work event. Walked 2 hours on Sunday to try to make up for missing Saturday. Legs feeling much better, I was still sore for days after the relay races on Wednesday night.

Donation Shout-Out to:

Edwin Bonilla - $25.00

So far Edwin has donated $75.00! Thanks Edwin, I really appreciate the support! Edwin works in my office and make a $25.00 donation everytime a loan funds. You don't have to give a lot of money all at once. You can donate a smaller amount several times.

This morning I did some strectches. I'm getting ready for Saturday's 15 mile walk. Need to stay hydrated and eat well. Lunch will be a sandwich and salad instead of pizza.

I'm up to $1,797.00 so far. I'm only $1,003.00 away from my minimum fundraising goal, $2,800.00 is just within reach! I will follow up with co-workers for matching gift forms and more donations. I'll be meeting with a former co-worker, Lon McEachern, for tips on putting together a poker night fundraiser. Lon is one of the announcers covering the World Series of Poker on ESPN2. A super nice guy who's taking time out of his schedule to help me. Thanks Lon!!!

Yikes, now I'm super late!! Please if you haven't made a donation already please help me reach my goal.


If you've already made a donation, THANK YOU!! and please spread the word.

Peace and Love,

Gail the Grasshopper

P.S. I almost forgot, I was passed by an electric wheelchair last night as I was walking. Kind of embarassing.

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