15 April 2007

Week in Review

The past week has been busy.

I worked and completed my taxes on Tuesday and Wednesday. I skipped track training Wednesday night to get them done. My left quadriceps
had been bothering off and on since Monday. It feels like the muscle is bruised and I don't know how. The bruise didn't bother me too much when I walked but any pressure on the front of my thigh caused considerable pain.

I'm trying to help my friend and fellow Team in Training teammate, Janice Walz, with her fundraising event. She arranged a band, With River, to come out and play at the Red Rock Coffee Company. We are contacting local businesses asking for donations that will be raffled off. The event is on May 3rd. We will be following up with two businesses that verbally committed to provide a donation, on Monday. We will also follow up with the other businesses that have not given us a donation.

My Beloved Aunt Jean came out for quick visit. It was great seeing her and I really enjoyed meeting the members of her fiance's family.

Today I purchased a new pair of shoes. The same size and type as my current shoes. I also purchased inserts for the old shoes so I can still walk in them.

I'm falling asleep at the keyboard. So I'm heading off to bed.


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