06 April 2007


Morning everyone,

Last week at track training we did relay races. It was really fun but made my legs sore. During our yoga training I noticed that my right groin muscle was pulled and it made doing some of the yoga poses kinda painful. However, after that night I didn't notice the pull anymore.

This past Wednesday, as I started my warm up lap around the track the pulled groin muscle started to hurt again. It hurt while I walked and was really distracting. We were doing ladders that night and I couldn't walk my fastest because I would start to limp. One thing I've learned is that proper walking form can get me through most situations. I could not maintain my proper form at higher speeds.

I finished yoga and had a slight limp heading back to my car. I stretched and iced the muscle when I got home. I went on my morning walk Thursday and after about 3 minutes hardly noticed the pull. After walking for 30 minutes I stopped stretched and headed home. The pain returned but only slightly and was gone after 3 minutes. I took a Napersen before going to work and didn't think about my leg again, at least until I was walking home. The pull made itself know but it was that bad so I didn't pay it much attention.

I should have iced it last night. The pull was bothering me a bit this morning but I still intended to go for my walk. As the morning had wore on, however, I getting a slight pain in my right arch, and shooting pains in my right knee. I decided I would stay home this morning, ice the pulled muscle and do my walk after work tonight. I will be walking 15 miles on Saturday and need to take care of my legs today. I'm going to sit down right now and ice for a few minutes.

On the fundraising front, I'll be meeting with two other team members to plan a Poker Night Fundraising Event for May 19th. Another team member called me last night and asked if I wanted to help her with her fundraising event that will be held May 3rd. The next few weeks will be busy but lots of fun.

Have a great Friday and GO TEAM!

Gail the Grasshopper

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