08 April 2007

Fifteen Miles, Fundraisers and Taxes

I walked 15 miles on Saturday!!! WooooHoooo!!!!

I'm sore but I was in more discomfort after the relay races we did at track training two weeks ago. It's all about perspective.

I was worried about Saturdays training since I was dealing with a pulled groin muscle on my right leg and Saturday morning I started experiencing sharp, grinding pains in my left knee, even when I was standing still. I told myself I didn't have time for this and promised myself that I would complete the 15 miles unless I injured myself.

I walked very slow the first nine miles. I received lots of comments from people asking what I was doing behind them as they passed me. I have shown my speed on occasion and coaches, teammates and friends keep telling me to walk with faster people. I know I should but I also appreciated the other side of the equation. I walked so slowing for the 9 miles that half and full marathoners had to complete that I was the last person to start the additional 6 miles for the full marathons. My legs didn't feel bad and I was going to be walking by myself. I figured that if I could do a 15 minute mile and maintain that pace could finish the 6 miles in 90 minutes.

It had taken me 3 hours and 20 minutes to do 9 miles including bathroom and stretching breaks. It was time to start moving. I concentrated on using good form and with my butt shaking I was off. I was walking the Baylands in Palo Alto. It's a great place for bird watching and I did see a white-crowned sparrow and many ducks and gulls. About a mile into the my walk I passed by my fellow marathoners heading back to the finish. I told them they were almost done and they encouraged me to keep going. Watching my teammates heading back to the start point just made me more determined to finish. I would finish in 90 minutes.

Each step brought me closer to my current goal, the turnaround point. Teammates kept encouraging me telling me how close I was getting and surprised that I hadn't finished already. Finally the parking lot was in sight. As I approached two teammates were just leaving. If I was fast enough I could catch them! I added more water to my bottle, added another serving of Nuun, took a salt shot, and headed back out. After couple of minutes I rounded a bend and could see the two women who had just left the turnaround point. I knew I could catch them. I had to catch them. I never ran nor jogged, I just kept moving my arms and concentrated on taking small steps. My groin pull and knee never left me completely alone but they didn't hinder my progress. Slowly and steadily I gained ground, I was closing the gap. I passed them.

I thought about walking with them for a bit but caught a glimpse of a white shirt not too far away. I could catch up with her too. I was going to do it. I kept walking, trying to remember how many people were walking back as I approached the midpoint. How many people could I overtake? Lots of people were out walking, bird watching, and jogging on the trail. I would use them as short-distance goals to help me increase my speed as I tried to overtake another teammate. I started to panic when I realized that I had almost walked for an hour, I should have completed four miles by now and I have no idea how far I had walked. I already completed the three miles out to the midpoint but I didn't know how far I had gotten on the return trip. I new goal would be to catch up with my teammate by the time my hour was up. As the minutes ticked down the ground flowed beneath my feet. As my hour finished I was within a few feet of my goal. As I passed her I asked if she know how far away from the start we were but she didn't know.

The hour was up, it was 4 hours and 20 minutes into the training and I had completed at least 13 miles. I looked in the distance, trying to see my next target. I spotted two shapes that might be fellow teammates but I wasn't sure, I was pretty far away. Choosing my short-distance targets I was focused.

Within five minutes, Cilla, our Team in Training Team Mom passed me. She was heading out to see who was left on the trail and make sure everyone is accounted for. She complimented me on my speed and said I might catch up with some other people. I thanked her and increased my speed. I was quickly closing in on my targets who turned out not to be fellow Team in Trainers but they still helped my stay on track. I looked and finally realized that strange thing in the distance were the bleachers that marked the starting point. I was almost done. I passed my targets and continued on. As I came into view my teammates started to cheer me on. I was able to find another gear and with my butt shaking like California during an earthquake I finished!!!! Everyone was so impressed that I was able to finish the last six miles so quickly. I am so happy with my performance. I know I need to go faster but it's reassuring to know that if I go slower at the beginning I will have the energy I need for the end.

When I started the six miles 3 hours and 20 minutes had already passed. I finished the entire 15 miles in 4 hours and 32 minutes. I was able to complete 6 miles in 1 hour and 12 minutes!!!! WhoooHooooo!!!!! Go Me! Go Me!!

This week is going to be busy. I have to contact companies for donations for a Fundraising Raffle. Make Amish Friendship Bread, plan a Poker Fundraising event, walk for 4 hours on Saturday, meet a relative I haven't seen in 15 years in San Francisco on Saturday, and do my taxes.

This is going to be a long week.

Go Team! Go TEAM!! GO TEAM!!!

Gail the Grasshopper

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