16 April 2007

Monday, Monday

Good morning!

I haven't slept too much over the past few days.

Thursday night I was up making the Amish Friendship Bread.

Friday night I went to San Jose to support the Run Team's Bachelor & Bachelorette Auction then spent some time working on fliers after I got home.

Saturday I got up early to go for my 4 hour walk but decided to walk around my neighborhood instead of going to Campbell. I was afraid the heel inserts I was using might irate my feet and I didn't want to develop blisters then have to drive home. I walked to Rancho San Antonio, just to the parking lots, then headed home. The walk there took two hours because I got lost. The walk back home only took 1 hour and 33 minutes. Which was a good thing because it started raining as I walked back and was drenched by the time I got home.

After walking I headed into San Francisco to see my Aunt Jean who was in town for a couple of days. I meet her fiance, Glenn, and his Aunt Marion, and cousins Chris and Joan. I have a great time and it was great to reconnect with Jean.

Sunday, no recovery walk, bad Gail!! Purchased a new pair of shoes and worked on the flier for the Charity Raffle with Janice.

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Fund Raising Shout-Outs

Joan and Chris Qwon - $100.00
Jean Hudson-Reilly - $200.00
Nellie Scurti - $25.00 WaMu Matching Gift
Georgia Urquidi - $50.00 WaMu Matching Gift

THANK YOU for your generous donations!!!!!!

Time to head into work! Have you made a donation yet? What are you waiting for! Just click the link below to help fight blood cancers. GO Team! GO TEAM!!!


Gail the Grasshopper

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