28 March 2007

STRETCH!! - 28 March 2007 Update

Good morning,

Tonight is track training night so I didn't do any walking this morning. Instead I got up and did some sitting stretches, flexibility exercises, and strengthening exercises. I'm trying to really work my left leg since it's weaker than my right.

I haven't sent out any donation soliciation e-mails in two weeks. I need to start hitting my co-workers and the regional managers. So far I've raised $1,672.00. I need $1,128.00 to reach my minimum of $2,800.00 to qualify for the trip to San Diego. I'm short of my fundraising goal by $3,328.00.

I need to get my thank you cards out and push my fundraising to the next level.

Have a great day everyone. Go Team!

Gail the Grasshopper

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