01 March 2007

The Best Day Ever!!!

Today was the best fundraising day I ever had!!!!

My mom was generous enough to donate $500.00. My mom has so much faith in me there is no way I'm letting her down. I only need $4,250 more dollars to reach my goal. Have you donated yet?

I didn't go to track training last night. I really need to work on my fundraising. I stayed at work and sent e-mails out to other people in the area who have the same position I do. I got two replies back. The messages were so heartfelt and inspiring. It helps keep me motivated. I didn't train this morning because I was too busy thanking my mom for her donation and trying to send e-mails to my family thanking my mom and one of my cousins for their donations. Shame anyone? I was going to walk tonight but one of my good friends, Anita, wants to take me out for my birthday. (My birthday was February 28th.) I will try to walk for an hour and a half tomorrow to make up for today. I will also do some extra walking on Saturday after the Mentor Led walk.

My mom is the GREATEST!!!!

Thank you again mom for helping me in the fight against Leukemia. Love Gail. :-)

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