09 March 2007

Team in Training Update - 9 March 2007

Good morning,

Training has been going well. I talked to coach Janna about the pain and tightness I was feeling in my left leg. Apparently my hip girdle is too tight which is causing quite a bit of discomfort when I try to walk fast. I need to stretch and strengthen the hip girdle which will make it easier for my leg to move.

I will be doing my walk after work today. The job has been crazy so I wasn't in the mood to get up this morning. Getting up to go for my walk, good. Facing work after the walk, bad. I decided to send out a round of e-mails and get the blog caught up instead.

This Saturday we're training in my home town of Mountain View so I have no excuse for being late. ;-) Another co-worker, Anju Bala is interested in joining Team in Training!!!! I'm so excited, this is such a fantastic group and it's so supportive. It's a great opportunity to get to know Anju better too. Nothing like a little bonding time outside of work.

I'm up to $910 on the donation front!!! That means it's time for...

Donation Shout Outs

Robert Palgon - $25.00
Chris Mazzucco - $25.00
Elizabeth Santos - $10.00

Thank you so much to all the wonderful people who have donated. My aunt Milli has pledged $25.00 and my friend Howard has pledged $100.00. As soon as I receive their checks I will update the blog.

Have you made a donation yet? It only take a few minutes but makes a world of difference to a person in need.
Gail's Team in Training Donation Page

Make a donation. Save a life.

Have a Great Day!

Gail the Grasshopper

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.