28 March 2007

Track Training - The Aftermath 28 March 2007

Track training was so much fun tonight. We had relay races!!! I haven't been part of a relay race since sixth grade. I forgot how much fun they were. Everyone was competitive and some people are really fast. I was so tired from cheering my teammates on I was afraid I wouldn't be able to walk.

The relay races were fun. The yoga stuff...not so much. We did a series of six core exercises twice. I don't know about my core but my legs are not very happy right now. I had quite a bit of difficulty driving my car home after practice. There are times when I really don't like having a manual transmission.

I'm happy I did the stretches this morning or I might not have been able to move at all.

I managed to get out of work at a decent time and spent some time catching up with my friend, Al. I actually got to the track early for a change but I didn't have time to eat before we started the warm up laps. I had half a foot-long Subway sandwich and I was hungry! I walked the first two laps munching contently on my sandwich. I was even doing an exercise called "precious diamonds" with the sandwich. You're supposed to start at the bottom of a hill with your arms stretched out in front of you. Keeping your arms parallel to the ground you walk as quickly up the hill as possible using only your legs and especially your hips. The track is flat but I practiced holding my sandwich out in front of me, with arms parallel and tried to really walk using my hips. My teammates and the coaches couldn't believe I was eating while walking around the track but desperate times call for desperate measures. After finishing the sandwich I was still hungry so I ate an apple. Halfway through the yoga exercises I started getting hungry again. Not stomach growling hungry but I would not turn down a plate of food if on suddenly appeared.

I'm going to sign off now. I want to spend some time stretching before going to bed and eat a banana.

Tomorrow I will send e-mails out to the other home loan center managers that are in my region. I need more donations and I have to be consistent and persistent.

Good night and Go Team!!!

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