27 March 2007

Quick Update - 27 March 2007

Hi everyone,

I have been a total slacker on the blog but let me give you a quick update.

Fundraising to date: $1,497.00
I still have to add a donation by my friend Howard for $100 and two matching gift donations from Pauline and Lori. I'm slowly getting closer to my goal of $5,000.00 but I need your help to get there.

The TNT Donation Shout Outs for donations made from March 9th to March 26th :

Lori Treder $25.00 plus WaMu matching gift donation
Elle Calliger $25.00
Nellie Scurti $25.00
Pauline Sanchez $50.00 plus WaMu matching gift donation
Edwin Bonilla $25.00
Iris and Nate Murphy $52.00
Nate Murphy Jr. $100.00
Louis Hudson - Dad $260.00
Georgia Urquidi $50.00
Hermann Luechinger $50.00
Howard Blum $100.00

A big THANK YOU to everyone who is helping me. Your generous contributions are helping people live happier, healthier lives.

I walked 12 miles on 24 March 2007 and lived to tell the tale!!! Go Team! Go TEAM!! GO TEAM!!!

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