26 February 2007

My Bad!


Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. Sometimes I don't want to touch my computer when I come home from work. I will be more diligent about updating my blog in the future.

My training:

The weather has been making the prospect of training somewhat daunting. It's gotten cold and rainy again but sometimes magical things happen when you are willing to brave the bad weather. This morning I was treated to a rainbow when the rain broke halfway through my walk. It felt so good and I was so inspired by that rainbow. I knew I could handle whatever the rest of the day sent my way, that rainbow was a sign.

Group training on Saturday did not go as well as I would have liked. I arrived late, and got very cold while listening to the nutritionist. Worst of all because I was so cold and mad at myself for being late I didn't focus on what the nutrition coach had to say and I probably missed really important information. :-( It took me about 45 minutes after we started walking to finally get the sensation back in my hands and feet, brrrrrrrrrr!!! I could never survive a New Jersey winter with snow, sleet, ice, and truly cold weather. Anyway, we did 8 miles on Saturday and I was very disappointed because I was with a slow walker and I'm pretty sure we were the last two people to finish. So embarrassing. I was really frustrated with myself but a little grateful that I didn't feel completely fatigued. However, I didn't stretch as well as I should have and my body is still feeling the effects of tightness even this morning. Stretching is very important.

Belated Donation Shoutout!!!!
I must give a big "Thank You!" to my friend Al. First for the generous donation he made and second for lighting a fire under me to get back to work on my fundraising. Thanks again Al, for looking out for me. :-)

My goal is $5,000.00 and I currently have $250.00. If you have already made a donation, thank you! If you haven't, what are you waiting for?!? How many e-mails do you want me to send to you?!! The sooner I reach my goal the sooner I'll leave you alone. How's that for an incentive? ;-)

Thanks for your support and GO TEAM!!!!

Gail the Grasshopper

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