29 March 2007

Recommitment - All or Nothing

Good morning,

Well, I did my one hour walk this morning. I didn't get as far as I would have liked but I did better than on Monday. My body is still sore from last night's relay races and yoga circuit. Looks like I'll have to do more stretching and add core training to more days on the calendar.

Last night I received my re-commitment package. I will be recommitting to the my fundraising and training goals so I better get some more e-mails out when I get to work.

Go Team! Go TEAM!! GO TEAM!!!

Gail the Grasshopper

28 March 2007

Track Training - The Aftermath 28 March 2007

Track training was so much fun tonight. We had relay races!!! I haven't been part of a relay race since sixth grade. I forgot how much fun they were. Everyone was competitive and some people are really fast. I was so tired from cheering my teammates on I was afraid I wouldn't be able to walk.

The relay races were fun. The yoga stuff...not so much. We did a series of six core exercises twice. I don't know about my core but my legs are not very happy right now. I had quite a bit of difficulty driving my car home after practice. There are times when I really don't like having a manual transmission.

I'm happy I did the stretches this morning or I might not have been able to move at all.

I managed to get out of work at a decent time and spent some time catching up with my friend, Al. I actually got to the track early for a change but I didn't have time to eat before we started the warm up laps. I had half a foot-long Subway sandwich and I was hungry! I walked the first two laps munching contently on my sandwich. I was even doing an exercise called "precious diamonds" with the sandwich. You're supposed to start at the bottom of a hill with your arms stretched out in front of you. Keeping your arms parallel to the ground you walk as quickly up the hill as possible using only your legs and especially your hips. The track is flat but I practiced holding my sandwich out in front of me, with arms parallel and tried to really walk using my hips. My teammates and the coaches couldn't believe I was eating while walking around the track but desperate times call for desperate measures. After finishing the sandwich I was still hungry so I ate an apple. Halfway through the yoga exercises I started getting hungry again. Not stomach growling hungry but I would not turn down a plate of food if on suddenly appeared.

I'm going to sign off now. I want to spend some time stretching before going to bed and eat a banana.

Tomorrow I will send e-mails out to the other home loan center managers that are in my region. I need more donations and I have to be consistent and persistent.

Good night and Go Team!!!

STRETCH!! - 28 March 2007 Update

Good morning,

Tonight is track training night so I didn't do any walking this morning. Instead I got up and did some sitting stretches, flexibility exercises, and strengthening exercises. I'm trying to really work my left leg since it's weaker than my right.

I haven't sent out any donation soliciation e-mails in two weeks. I need to start hitting my co-workers and the regional managers. So far I've raised $1,672.00. I need $1,128.00 to reach my minimum of $2,800.00 to qualify for the trip to San Diego. I'm short of my fundraising goal by $3,328.00.

I need to get my thank you cards out and push my fundraising to the next level.

Have a great day everyone. Go Team!

Gail the Grasshopper

27 March 2007

Quick Update - 27 March 2007

Hi everyone,

I have been a total slacker on the blog but let me give you a quick update.

Fundraising to date: $1,497.00
I still have to add a donation by my friend Howard for $100 and two matching gift donations from Pauline and Lori. I'm slowly getting closer to my goal of $5,000.00 but I need your help to get there.

The TNT Donation Shout Outs for donations made from March 9th to March 26th :

Lori Treder $25.00 plus WaMu matching gift donation
Elle Calliger $25.00
Nellie Scurti $25.00
Pauline Sanchez $50.00 plus WaMu matching gift donation
Edwin Bonilla $25.00
Iris and Nate Murphy $52.00
Nate Murphy Jr. $100.00
Louis Hudson - Dad $260.00
Georgia Urquidi $50.00
Hermann Luechinger $50.00
Howard Blum $100.00

A big THANK YOU to everyone who is helping me. Your generous contributions are helping people live happier, healthier lives.

I walked 12 miles on 24 March 2007 and lived to tell the tale!!! Go Team! Go TEAM!! GO TEAM!!!

09 March 2007

Team in Training Update - 9 March 2007

Good morning,

Training has been going well. I talked to coach Janna about the pain and tightness I was feeling in my left leg. Apparently my hip girdle is too tight which is causing quite a bit of discomfort when I try to walk fast. I need to stretch and strengthen the hip girdle which will make it easier for my leg to move.

I will be doing my walk after work today. The job has been crazy so I wasn't in the mood to get up this morning. Getting up to go for my walk, good. Facing work after the walk, bad. I decided to send out a round of e-mails and get the blog caught up instead.

This Saturday we're training in my home town of Mountain View so I have no excuse for being late. ;-) Another co-worker, Anju Bala is interested in joining Team in Training!!!! I'm so excited, this is such a fantastic group and it's so supportive. It's a great opportunity to get to know Anju better too. Nothing like a little bonding time outside of work.

I'm up to $910 on the donation front!!! That means it's time for...

Donation Shout Outs

Robert Palgon - $25.00
Chris Mazzucco - $25.00
Elizabeth Santos - $10.00

Thank you so much to all the wonderful people who have donated. My aunt Milli has pledged $25.00 and my friend Howard has pledged $100.00. As soon as I receive their checks I will update the blog.

Have you made a donation yet? It only take a few minutes but makes a world of difference to a person in need.
Gail's Team in Training Donation Page

Make a donation. Save a life.

Have a Great Day!

Gail the Grasshopper

06 March 2007

Catching Up - 6 March 2007

Time flies when you're running around.

Saturday I trained at Camp Sawyer in San Mateo. It was so nice there. The day was sunny and warm, really picture perfect weather. I walked 4 miles, slower then I would have liked but it was still a good workout. A cute brown bunny scampered across the trail and I heard a frog croaking just off the trail but couldn't find it. I love nature, I feel so much more connected to the world.

After the walk I went out to breakfast at Hobbee's. Was embarrassed by having everyone at the table sing Happy Birthday to me and hung out and had a great time. The Team in Training people are so great!!

Donation Shout Outs!!!!!

Lori Treder - $25 and a Matching Gift Application!!!! Woot! Woot! Woot!
Georgia Urquidi - $50.00!!!!!
Edwin Bonilla - $25!!!!!

The above donations are from my co-workers at WaMu! Thank you so much for your support everyone. Go Team! Go TEAM! GO TEAM!!

Time to ask for more donations. Have you given yet?

Have a great day everyone. :-)

01 March 2007

The Best Day Ever!!!

Today was the best fundraising day I ever had!!!!

My mom was generous enough to donate $500.00. My mom has so much faith in me there is no way I'm letting her down. I only need $4,250 more dollars to reach my goal. Have you donated yet?

I didn't go to track training last night. I really need to work on my fundraising. I stayed at work and sent e-mails out to other people in the area who have the same position I do. I got two replies back. The messages were so heartfelt and inspiring. It helps keep me motivated. I didn't train this morning because I was too busy thanking my mom for her donation and trying to send e-mails to my family thanking my mom and one of my cousins for their donations. Shame anyone? I was going to walk tonight but one of my good friends, Anita, wants to take me out for my birthday. (My birthday was February 28th.) I will try to walk for an hour and a half tomorrow to make up for today. I will also do some extra walking on Saturday after the Mentor Led walk.

My mom is the GREATEST!!!!

Thank you again mom for helping me in the fight against Leukemia. Love Gail. :-)