01 September 2008

No, I'm not dead!

But I'm pretty lame...

I'm sorry I stopped updating the blog. Things got a little hectic and I was having enough trouble just keeping up with fundraising, training, and life in general. I completely forgot about the blog.

If you want to know what happened I completed the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon in 7 hours, 1 minute, and 6 seconds. I raised $3,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I joined the Fall Walk Team as a Mentor and helped a group of wonderful women through their first TNT event. I cheered for my mentees and teammates during the Nike Marathon in SF. I walked the San Jose Rock and Roll Half Marathon with my friend Mari and earned my 39.3 medal. I walked and ran the Santa Barbara Half Marathon with my friend Pat Swallow. 2007 was a busy year.

I'm not walking this year. I'm hardly doing any exercise at all. I was laid off in May. I'm trying to decide what I will do next and have been volunteering for the City of Mountain View to keep busy. I do want to walk events again. I might join Team In Training next Spring.

I'd like to thank all my friends and family who supported me during my adventure last year. I might not be walking but I am donating money to my friends who are walking, running, preparing to compete in a triathlon, coaching, volunteering, living, laughing, loving.

If you've ever thought of doing a marathon, triathlon, century ride, or any other endurance event, stop thinking do it. It's an amazing experience and you can do it, you just have to try.

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