29 September 2008

2008 Trailblazers Race - Completed!

Good morning,

Mari and I completed the 2008 Trailblazers Race yesterday morning. We decided to walk the 10K run event. There was also a 5K run, and a 5K walk. We completed the race in 1 hour, 35 minutes, and 33 seconds. We had a pretty good pace going, we averaged a 15 minute, 40 second mile.

Now, as my fourth race, I have never been the last racer before, until yesterday. The Trailblazer isn't designed for people walking the 10K but the 5K would not have been challenging enough. 10K is 6.2 miles so 5K should be half that distance, and going 3 miles just isn't very challenging. Since Mari is working with Team In Training and she missed practice on Saturday she needed to do about 6-8 miles.

Sorry, bank to my point about being last, there's someone called the sweeper that follows the last person(s) to make sure they finish the race. The sweepers for the 10K race were two kids on bikes, about 12 years old. There was a boy and a girl and the young man was not happy about following us. He complained the entire time. For some reason I just thought it was slightly annoying but mostly funny. Mari was getting really irritated with his comments. In his defense he was taking his job very seriously. He was told to stay behind the last racers and he did, they sent most of the time about three feet behind us. It was creepy, but I kept smiling.

Mari and I are going to try to walk together on Sundays. I think a regular walking commitment would be good for me.

Until next post, get out and get walking.

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